Privacy Policy

We do not collect, store or use any personal information when you access, download or upgrade our products.


We may only use the personal information you submit for the following purposes: to help us develop, share and improve our products and services, and to provide higher quality services. In the following circumstances, we may disclose your personal information according to your wishes or required by law, what information we collect:


—Personal information.


We do not collect personal information. "Personal Information" is information that identifies you or others, such as your first and last name, physical address, email address, telephone, fax, SSN, information stored on your device.


—Non-Personal Information.


We collect non-personal information about your use of our apps and aggregated information about app usage. "Non-Personal Information" means information that is anonymous in nature, such as the type of mobile device you use, your mobile operating system, information about how you use an application.




We are very concerned about protecting the confidentiality of your information. We do not collect personal information and we employ administrative, physical and electronic measures designed to protect your non-personal information from unauthorized access and use. Please note that no security measures we take to protect your information can absolutely guarantee against unauthorized access or use of your impenetrable non-personal information.




All permissions, we don't collect anything, only for native apps. We never publicly disclose any personal or sensitive user data or any government identification numbers, photos, contact details, etc., related to financial or payment activities.


Sensitive information


We ask that you do not send us, nor disclose, any sensitive personal information (for example, information related to race or ethnicity, political opinions, religious or other beliefs, health, sexual orientation, criminal background, or past membership in organizations, including union membership) or through the App, Service or Website or otherwise.


Contact us

If you have any questions or comments about this policy or our privacy practices, or report any violation of this policy or misuse of the service or website, please contact us